利用規約/Terms of service

  • 利用規約の適用範囲
  • 利用上の遵守事項
    1. 公序良俗または法令に反する、またはそのおそれのある行為
    2. 造幣局の情報を営利目的に使用する行為
    3. 犯罪的行為に結びつく、またはそのおそれのある行為
    4. 第三者の著作権等の知的財産権、その他の権利を侵害する行為
    5. 不正なコンピュータプログラムの設定、他の利用者によるコンテンツへのアクセスを妨害する等の行為
  • ドメイン設定
  • 入力文字について
  • 第三者に対する著作権等の権利侵害の禁止
  • 利用環境
  • 免責事項
  • その他

Terms of service

  • Coverage of the term of service
    Terms and Conditions will be applied to all those who are used to “Mint factory tour booking site” (hereinafter referred to as “contents”).
    You agree to this rule and “Mint factory tour booking site” when you use the contents.
  • Use on compliance matters
    The user shall not act the following actions upon use of the contents.
    1. Against public order and morals or laws and ordinances; or is an act with the fear
    2. Act to use information of the Mint Bureau in a commercial purpose
    3. Act to be tied to a crime or act with the fear
    4. Act to infringe the intellectual property rights such as the copyrights of the third party, other rights
    5. Act such as interfering with the setting of an unjust computer program, the access to the contents by other users
  • Domain Settings
    About notices such as the registration completion, we would like confirmation, a change of the setting not to do the reception refusal from the domain for an email transmitted by us.
  • The character of input
    Phone number and E-mail adress are the input of alphanumeric characters.
  • Prohibition of infringement of copyrights against third parties.
    There are situations when third parties has the other rights and copyright in contents.
    For contents that a third party has a copyrights except for those that are explicitly to be completed in particular right treatment, and to obtain the permission of usage from a third party on the responsibility of the user.
    If it have been linked settings in addition to the Mint website and to be due to the provider of the terms and conditions.
  • Use environment
    For the use environment of the content, please understand there are times when you can’t use by the user of your device.
  • Disclaimer
    We have taken all possible measures for the accuracy of the information that has been posted on the contents.But we are not in any way responsible about of all acts that the user performs using the contents.
    Also it relates to the contents, and shall be able to change, stop, suspend, terminate without prior notice to the user.
    Mint does not assume any responsibility for damages caused by the change, stop, interruption and end of the contents and the like in the case of these.
  • Other
    Please understand, Cost of communication like according to the content available will be the user’s burden.